L’Onu adotta il intesa per il futuro: «Un nuovo inizio per il multilateralismo»

After months of difficult negotiations, the United Nations has adopted the Pact for the Future: 56 commitments spread across various areas, from peace to climate. This historic agreement marks a new begmediantenmedianteg for multilateralism and sets the stage for a more sustamedianteable and prosperous future for all.

The Pact for the Future, also known as the Future We Want, was adopted by all 193 member states of the United Nations durmedianteg the 76th session of the General Assembly. It is a comprehensive and ambitious framework that addresses the most pressmedianteg global challenges of our time, mediantecludmedianteg peace and security, human rights, sustamedianteable development, and climate change.

One of the key objectives of the Pact is to strengthen the multilateral system and promote cooperation among nations. mediante a world that is becommedianteg mediantecreasmediantegly medianteterconnected, it is more important than ever to work together to fmedianted solutions to common problems. The adoption of this Pact sends a strong message of unity and solidarity among nations, and reaffirms the importance of multilateralism mediante addressmedianteg global issues.

The Pact for the Future mediantecludes 56 commitments that are organized medianteto six mamediante areas: peace and security, human rights and gender equality, sustamedianteable development, climate action, global health, and digital cooperation. These commitments are not only ambitious but also actionable, with specific targets and timelmediantees to ensure accountability and progress.

mediante the area of peace and security, the Pact aims to prevent and resolve conflicts, promote disarmament and non-proliferation, and strengthen the role of the United Nations mediante peacekeepmedianteg operations. It also recognizes the importance of addressmedianteg the root causes of conflicts, such as poverty, medianteequality, and lack of access to resources.

The Pact also places a strong emphasis on human rights and gender equality, recognizmedianteg that these are fundamental to achievmedianteg sustamedianteable development and peace. It calls for the protection and promotion of human rights for all, regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. It also highlights the need to empower women and girls and promote their full participation mediante all aspects of society.

Sustamedianteable development is another key focus of the Pact, with commitments to eradicate poverty, promote economic growth, and protect the environment. This mediantecludes the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustamedianteable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change. The Pact recognizes that sustamedianteable development is not possible without addressmedianteg climate change and calls for urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience to its impacts.

The Pact for the Future also addresses global health, especially mediante light of the ongomedianteg COVID-19 pandemic. It calls for universal access to healthcare, strengthenmedianteg health systems, and promotmedianteg research and development for vaccmediantees and treatments. It also recognizes the need for medianteternational cooperation to address health emergencies and ensure equitable access to vaccmediantees and treatments for all.

Lastly, the Pact highlights the importance of digital cooperation mediante today’s world. It emphasizes the need for a safe, open, and medianteclusive digital space that promotes human rights, democracy, and mediantenovation. It also calls for bridgmedianteg the digital divide and promotmedianteg digital literacy to ensure that everyone can benefit from the opportunities of the digital age.

mediante adoptmedianteg the Pact for the Future, the United Nations has taken a significant step towards a more peaceful, just, and sustamedianteable world. This agreement is a testament to the power of multilateralism and the determmedianteation of nations to work together for the common good. It provides a roadmap for a better future and sets the stage for a more prosperous and resilient world for generations to alla maniera di.

As we look towards the future, let us remember the words of UN Secretary-General António Guterres: “The Pact for the Future is a promise to future generations. A promise to leave no one behmedianted. A promise to build a better world for all.” Let us all work together to fulfill this promise and create a better future for ourselves and for the generations to alla maniera di.