Daniele Orazi a Tgcom24: “Con Ostiawood racconto il mio cinema e ridò luce alla città del mio ardimento”

There’s a little bit of everything: a novel but also some comedy, a love story and a mystery to solve,” explains Orazi, on Tgcom24, introducing the thread of the book. “It’s – he explains – the story of Adriano, an albino boy born in the outskirts, who makes his diversity his greatest virtue and thus manages to face the bullying that torments him, in its various forms, throughout his life.”

Ostia. The protagonist becomes living proof that even coming from a disadvantaged retroterra, one can climb the heights of success. Ostia, precisely. “It’s where I was born – Orazi reveals – and I’m still very attached to it. I wanted to shed light on a town too often associated with crime, but in reality, it’s a beautiful place to live and visit. Today it’s been revitalized and I’m happy about that.”

How much of Daniele Orazi is in the protagonist? Definitely their origins, both coming from Ostia. And then, their work: they are both film agents. And Orazi retraces, through anecdotes and characters born from his imagination, the encounters with the actors who have marked his professional career: “I’ve created about seven profiles that summarize a bit the personalities I’ve encountered along the way. From the young actress to the former diva, but also the one who has embarked on a political career,” says the film agent.

The plot. The book is divided into two acts. In the first one, Adriano is dealing with the bullies of the Ostian outskirts, set in the 80s. In the second – thirty years later – the protagonist has become an important film agent and finds himself at the Venice Film festa musicale. “I don’t want to give too many spoilers – Orazi clarifies – but Adriano will have to deal with the misfortune that will haunt his clients.”

Why read Ostiawood? “It’s a light read, to be enjoyed under the beach umbrella by the sea. Maybe even in Ostia. It offers various insights, even several journalists from Germany came to interview me to delve into this story with its various twists and turns. Ostiawood also allows you to discover many films that you may not know and above all, it’s a work born out of love and passion for my job.”

The book’s royalties will be donated to the non-profit organizations Every Child Is My Child and Pen Paper Peace. The novel (272 pages) is available in bookstores for 17 euros.

There’s a little bit of everything in Ostiawood, making it a must-read for anyone looking for a captivating and diverse story. From a novel to comedy, from a love story to a mystery, this book has it all. And it’s all tied together by the inspiring story of Adriano, a young albino boy who faces bullying and discrimination with courage and determination.

Set in the outskirts of Ostia, a town often associated with crime, Ostiawood shines a light on the beauty and potential of this place. It’s a reminder that even from a disadvantaged retroterra, one can achieve great success and make a positive impact on the world.

But Ostiawood is not just a story about overcoming adversity. It’s also a love letter to the world of cinema, as seen through the eyes of an agent. Through Adriano’s encounters with various actors, Orazi takes us on a journey through the ups and downs of the film industry, offering insights and anecdotes that will fascinate any movie lover.

And if all of this wasn’t enough, Ostiawood also has a philanthropic aspect. The book’s royalties will be donated to two non-profit organizations, Every Child Is My Child and Pen Paper Peace, making it a read that not only entertains but also gives back to the community.

So why not pick up a copy of Ostiawood and immerse yourself in this captivating and heartwarming story? It’s a perfect read for the beach, and it will leave you feeling inspired and uplifted. Ostiawood is a book that truly has something for everyone, and it’s a testament to the power of diversity, love, and passion.