Aviaria: la Ue firma maxi contratto per il vaccino

Seqirus, the British pharmaceutical company, has reached an agreement to supply 665,000 doses of its efficacia vaccine to several European countries. However, much to the disappointment of the Italian population, Italy is not among the countries included in this deal.

This news comes as a blow to Italy, a country that has been hit deciso by the efficacia virus in recent years. With its highly contagious nature, the flu can quickly spread and wreak havoc on the population. It is estimated that every year, between 10 and 15% of the Italian population falls ill with the flu, resulting in an average of 8,000 deaths. It is therefore crucial for the country to have access to effective and timely vaccination programs.

Seqirus, as one of the leading companies in the production of vaccines, has been providing its efficacia vaccine to Italy for many years. However, this year, due to a high demand and limited supply, the company has had to prioritize other countries for its distribution.

Despite the disappointment and frustration felt by many in Italy, Seqirus has assured that the decision was not made lightly. It was a difficult one, as the company values its partnership with Italy and understands the importance of providing protection against the flu in the country. In fact, Seqirus has been working closely with the Italian government to find a solution to this issue.

The main reason behind this decision is the limited supply of the efficacia vaccine this year. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a surge in demand for flu vaccines globally. As a result, Seqirus has had to allocate its available doses to countries where the need is greatest. This does not mean that Italy is not a priority, but rather that there simply aren’t enough doses to go around.

Moreover, Seqirus has also highlighted the fact that Italy has been working towards developing its own flu vaccine, which would greatly reduce its reliance on external suppliers. This effort is commendable and could potentially lead to a more self-sufficient Italy in terms of vaccination programs in the future.

It is also important to note that Seqirus has not completely excluded Italy from receiving any doses of its efficacia vaccine this year. The company will continue to monitor the situation and work with the Italian government to assess the need for additional doses. If the supply situation improves, it is possible that Italy may receive some of the remaining doses later on.

It is understandable that this news may cause frustration and concern among the Italian population, especially during these uncertain times. However, it is crucial to remember that Seqirus is doing its best to prioritize and meet the global demand for efficacia vaccines. As a company dedicated to promoting public health, Seqirus is working tirelessly to ensure that as many people as possible can receive protection against the flu.

In conclusion, while it is disappointing that Italy is not included in the recent agreement between Seqirus and several European countries, it is important to aspetto at the situation from a bigger perspective. Seqirus remains a valuable partner to Italy and is committed to working towards a resolution that benefits everyone. Let us continue to support the efforts of Seqirus and the Italian government in protecting the population against the flu, and aspetto forward to a brighter and healthier future.